
发布时间:2009-03-24 信息来源:本站 点击量:




科长陈贵秋同志     消毒实验室于1998年经卫生部考试考核合格。省卫生厅根据卫生部的要求于-1999年9月13日认定该实验室为"消毒鉴定实验室"。现有专业技术人员7人,其中副主任医技师4人,主管技师1人,技师2人,所有专业技术人员均经卫生部的培训。陈贵秋科长被聘为中华预防医学会消毒分会委员和卫生部健康相关产品专家库成员。          The sterilization certification laboratory was examined and approved by the Ministry of Public Health in 1998.  According to the    recommendation of Ministry of Public Health, the Department of Health of Hunan Province assigned this laboratory as a "Sterilization &    Certification Laboratory" on September 13, 1999.  The laboratory have 7 professional technicians currently, four of them have the    technique degree of associated chief technician, and one have the technician-in-charge degree, and two have the technician degree;    all of them received special technical training and passed the qualification examination of Ministry of Public Health.  Mr. Chen Gui-qiu,    the head of the laboratory is assigned as a board member of the Sterilization Branch of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association and    as a member of the expert advisory committee of the related products certification.   技术特色: 消毒检验科承接国内外消毒药      剂、消毒器械、医疗用品、卫生用品及抗菌      产品的鉴定、监测和仲裁检验,对消毒产品      进行卫生学评价,特别是近几年来承接来自      湖北省、浙江省、福建省、广西省、四川      省、兰州市和深圳市等申报卫生部的空气消      毒产品及消毒药剂和器械的监测,检测报告      均获得专业评审委员会一次性通过。并且,      本科还负责医院消毒监测及消毒技术指导和      培训,可提供消毒技术咨询与技术服务,有      较强试验研究设计能力,可根据顾客需求开      展规范以外的实验方法研究和检测。试验人员在局部百级实验室工作试验人员在使用荧光倒置显微镜 The equipment of the laboratory: There are 800 m2buildings, includes an aerosol lab. (two 20 m3 aerosol rooms and two 1 m3 aerosol tanks), a 100 grade clean air lab, two localized 100 grade clean air labs, two common 1000 grade microbial labs, and one viral and one fungal lab respectively. The main instruments we possesses are P2secured biological cabinet, CO2 incubator, water purification machine, invert microscope, very-low-temperature refrigerator, one pressure steam sterilizer (Japan), and one centrifuger (Germany), one board washer and enzyme marker apparatus (U.S.A.), and one microgram electronic analytical balance (Finland), four of sampling device, two of air sprayers and various other advanced instruments and equipments.


联系方式: 湖南省疾病预防控制中心(原湖南省卫生防疫站)消毒科(疾控中心新大楼八楼)
科室负责人: 陈贵秋
地址: 长沙市芙蓉中路一段450号(湖南日报旁) 邮编:410005
网址: http://www.hncdc.com              电子邮箱:950210@vip.sina.com.cn
Contact Information:Department of Sterilization, Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Hunan Province
Director of the Department of Sterilization :Chen Guiqiu
Mailing address: the First Section, No.450 Middle Furong Road, Changsha 410005, Hunan, P.R.China Zip
Code: 410005
Tel: 0731-4305948 (Director’s Office), 4305949, 4305977

Website:http://www.hncdc.com                    E-mail:950210@vip.sina.com.cn
